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Split Tunnels

Feature availability
Operating SystemsWARP mode requiredZero Trust plans
All systemsWARP with GatewayAll plans

Split Tunnels mode can be configured to exclude or include IP addresses or domains from going through WARP. This feature is commonly used to run WARP alongside a VPN (in Exclude mode) or to provide access to a specific Tunnel (in Include mode).

You can add or remove items from the Split Tunnels list at any time, but note that changes made to your Split Tunnel configuration are immediately propagated to clients. Because this setting controls what Gateway has visibility on at the network level, please review and test all changes immediately after making every change.

Also, changing between Include and Exclude modes will immediately delete your existing Split Tunnel configuration. Please make a copy of any IP addresses or domains in your existing configuration, as they will be reverted to the default upon switching modes.

Domains included in your Split Tunnel configuration are still resolved by Gateway. If you want another DNS Server to handle domain name resolution you need to add that value to your Local Domain fallback configuration.

To set up Split Tunnels:

  1. On the Zero Trust dashboard, navigate to Settings > Network.

  2. Under Split Tunnels, select the mode you want to choose.

    • (default) Exclude IPs and domains. All traffic will be sent to Cloudflare Gateway except for the IPs and domains you specify.
    • Include IPs and Domains. Only traffic destined to the IP address or domains you specify will be sent to Cloudflare Gateway.
  3. If you want to add or remove items from your Split Tunnels configuration, click Manage.

    On this page, you will find a list of the IPs and domains Cloudflare Zero Trust excludes or includes, depending on the mode you have selected. Add or remove any desired items and click Save.

Add an IP address

On the Split Tunnels page, choose IP Address from the list of selectors and enter the IP address or CIDR you want to exclude or include. Next, add an optional description in the relevant field. Then, click Save destination.

The IP address will appear in the list of Split Tunnel entries.

Add a domain

On the Split Tunnels page, choose Domain from the list of selectors and enter the domain you want to exclude or include. Next, add an optional description in the relevant field. Then, click Save destination.

The domain will appear in the list of Split Tunnel entries.

Valid domains include:

  • *

Important platform differences

Domain-based Split Tunnels work differently on mobile clients than on desktop clients. If both mobile and desktop clients will connect to your organization, it is recommended to use Split Tunnels based on IP addresses or CIDR, which work the same across all platforms.

Windows, Linux and macOS behavior

Clients on these platforms work by dynamically inserting the IP address of the domain immediately after it is resolved into the routing table for split tunneling. This allows the desktop clients to support wildcard domain prefixes (for example, *, not just a singular domain (like or

iOS, Android and ChromeOS behavior

Due to platform differences, mobile clients can only apply Split Tunnels rules when the tunnel is initially started. This means:

  • Domain-based Split Tunnels rules are created when the tunnel is established based on the IP address for that domain at that time. The route is refreshed each time the tunnel is established.

  • Wildcard domain prefixes (for example, * are not supported. Because route information must be added when the tunnel starts, these platforms can’t support wildcards. Wildcard domain prefixes can still exist in your configuration, but they will be ignored on these platforms.

Remove an item from Split Tunnels

On the Split Tunnels page, locate the IP address or hostname in the list and then click Delete.