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SAML | PingIdentity®

The PingOne® and PingFederate® offerings from PingIdentity require the SAML integrator for integration with Cloudflare Access. The PingFederate and PingOne documentation explains how to configure applications. These steps focus on the requirements specific to Cloudflare Access.

Set up PingIdentity (SAML)

To set up PingIdentity (SAML) as your identity provider:

  1. Log in to your dashboard Ping and navigate to Applications.

  2. Click Add Application.

  3. Select New SAML Application.

  4. Complete the fields for name, description, and category.

    These can be any value. A prompt displays to select a signing certificate to use.

  5. In the SAML attribute configuration dialog select Email attribute > urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress.

  6. In the Signature Policy tab, disable the option to Always Sign Assertion.

  7. Leave the option enabled for Sign Response As Required.

    This ensures that SAML destination headers are sent during the integration.

    In versions 9.0 above, you can leave both of these options enabled.

  8. A prompt displays to download the SAML metadata from Ping.

    This file shares several fields with Cloudflare Access so you do not have to input this data.

  9. On the Zero Trust dashboard, navigate to Settings > Authentication.

  10. Under Login methods, click Add new.

  11. Select SAML.

  12. In the IdP Entity ID field, enter your team domain followed by this callback at the end of the path: /cdn-cgi/access/callback. For example:

  13. Fill the other fields with values from your Ping dashboard.

  14. Click Save.

To test that your connection is working, navigate to Authentication > Login methods and click Test next to the login method you want to test.

Download SP metadata (optional)

Some IdPs allow administrators to upload metadata files from their SP (service provider).

To get your Cloudflare metadata file:

  1. Download your unique SAML metadata file at the following URL:


    Replace <your-team-name> with your team name .

    The link returns a web page with your SAML SP data in XML format.

  2. Save the file as an XML document.

  3. Upload the XML document to your PingIdentity account.

Example API configuration

"config": {
"issuer_url": "",
"sso_target_url": "",
"attributes": ["PingOne.AuthenticatingAuthority", "PingOne.idpid"],
"email_attribute_name": "",
"sign_request": false,
"idp_public_cert": "MIIDpDCCAoygAwIBAgIGAV2ka+55MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGSMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEG\nA1UEC.....GF/Q2/MHadws97cZg\nuTnQyuOqPuHbnN83d/2l1NSYKCbHt24o"
"type": "saml",
"name": "ping saml example"