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Known limitations

Below, you will find information regarding the current limitations for Email Routing (beta).

Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)

Email Routing (beta) does not support IDNs. If you are setting up Email Routing from an IDN domain, email delivery might fail.

Non-delivery reports (NDRs)

Email Routing (beta) does not forward non-delivery reports to the original sender. This means the sender will not receive a notification indicating that the email did not reach the intended destination.

Subdomains are only supported for Enterprise customers

Subdomains cannot use Email Routing (beta) to forward emails, unless they are part of an Enterprise account.

Signs such “+” and “.” are treated as normal characters for custom addresses

Email Routing (beta) does not have advanced routing options. Characters such as + or ., which perform special actions in email providers like Gmail and Outlook, are currently treated as normal characters on custom addresses. More flexible routing options are in our roadmap.

Restrictive DMARC policies can make forwarded emails fail

Due to the nature of email forwarding, restrictive DMARC policies might make forwarded emails fail to be delivered. Refer to for more information.