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Logpush API configuration


The table below summarizes the job operations available. All the examples in this page are for zone-scoped datasets. Account-scoped datasets should use /accounts/<ACCOUNT_ID> instead of /zone/<ZONE_ID>. For more information, refer to the Log fields page.

The <ZONE_ID> argument is the zone id (hexadecimal string). The <ACCOUNT_ID> argument is the organization id (hexadecimal string). These arguments can be found using API’s zones endpoint. The <JOB> argument is the numeric job id. The <DATASET> argument indicates the log category (such as http_requests, spectrum_events, firewall_events, nel_reports, or dns_logs).

POSTCreate job;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/jobs
GETRetrieve job;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/jobs/&lt;JOB&gt;
GETRetrieve all jobs for all datasets;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/jobs
GETRetrieve all jobs for a dataset;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/datasets/&lt;DATASET&gt;/jobs
GETRetrieve all available fields for a dataset;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/datasets/&lt;DATASET&gt;/fields
PUTUpdate job;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/jobs/&lt;JOB&gt;
DELETEDelete job;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/jobs/&lt;JOB&gt;
POSTCheck whether destination exists;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/validate/destination/exists
POSTGet ownership challenge;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/ownership
POSTValidate ownership challenge;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/ownership/validate
POSTValidate log options;ZONE_ID&gt;/logpush/validate/origin

For concrete examples, see the tutorial Manage Logpush with cURL .


The Logpush API requires credentials like any other Cloudflare API.

$ curl -s -H "X-Auth-Email: <EMAIL>" -H "X-Auth-Key: <API_KEY>" \


Before creating a new job, ownership of the destination must be proven.

To issue an ownership challenge token to your destination:

$ curl -s -X POST<ZONE_ID>/logpush/ownership \
-H "X-Auth-Email: <EMAIL>" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: <API_KEY>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"destination_conf":"s3://<BUCKET_PATH>?region=us-west-2"}' | jq .

A challenge file will be written to the destination, and the filename will be in the response (the filename may be expressed as a path, if appropriate for your destination):

"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"valid": true,
"message": "",
"filename": "<path-to-challenge-file>.txt"
"success": true

You will need to provide the token contained in the file when creating a job.


You can specify your cloud service provider destination via the required destination_conf parameter.

  • AWS S3: bucket + optional directory + region + optional encryption parameter (if required by your policy); for example: s3://bucket/[dir]?region=<REGION>[&sse=AES256]
  • Datadog: Datadog endpoint URL + Datadog API key + optional parameters; for example: datadog://<DATADOG_ENDPOINT_URL>?header_DD-API-KEY=<DATADOG_API_KEY>&ddsource=cloudflare&service=<SERVICE>&host=<HOST>&ddtags=<TAGS>
  • Google Cloud Storage: bucket + optional directory; for example: gs://bucket/[dir]
  • Microsoft Azure: service-level SAS URL with https replaced by azure + optional directory added before query string; for example: azure://<BlobContainerPath>/[dir]?<QueryString>
  • New Relic New Relic endpoint URL which is for US or for EU + a license key + a format; for example: for US "<NR_LICENSE_KEY>&format=cloudflare" and for EU "<NR_LICENSE_KEY>&format=cloudflare"
  • Splunk: Splunk endpoint URL + Splunk channel ID + insecure-skip-verify flag + Splunk sourcetype + Splunk authorization token; for example: splunk://<SPLUNK_ENDPOINT_URL>?channel=<SPLUNK_CHANNEL_ID>&insecure-skip-verify=<INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY>&sourcetype=<SOURCE_TYPE>&header_Authorization=<SPLUNK_AUTH_TOKEN>
  • Sumo Logic: HTTP source address URL with https replaced by sumo; for example: sumo://<SumoEndpoint>/receiver/v1/http/<UniqueHTTPCollectorCode>

For S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure, logs can be separated into daily subdirectories by using the special string {DATE} in the URL path; for example: s3://mybucket/logs/{DATE}?region=us-east-1&sse=AES256 or azure://myblobcontainer/logs/{DATE}?[QueryString]. It will be substituted with the date in YYYYMMDD format, like 20180523.

For more information on the value for your cloud storage provider, consult the following conventions:

To check if a destination is already in use:

$ curl -s -XPOST<ZONE_ID>/logpush/validate/destination/exists -d '{"destination_conf":"s3://foo"}' | jq .


"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"exists": false
"success": true

There can be only one job writing to each unique destination. For S3 and GCS, a destination is defined as bucket + path. This means two jobs can write to the same bucket, but must write to different subdirectories in that bucket.

Job object


Logpush repeatedly pulls logs on your behalf and uploads them to your destination.

Log options, such as fields or sampling rate, are configured in the logpull_options job parameter (refer to Logpush job object definition). For example, the following query gets data from the Logpull API:

curl -sv \
-H'X-Auth-Email: <EMAIL>' \
-H'X-Auth-Key: <API_KEY>' \

In Logpush, the Logpull options would be: "logpull_options": "fields=RayID,EdgeStartTimestamp". Refer to Logpull API parameters for more info.

If you do not change any options, you will receive logs with default fields that are unsampled (i.e., sample=1).

The four options that you can customize are:

  1. Fields: Refer to Log fields for the currently available fields. The list of fields is also accessible directly from the API:<ZONE_ID>/logpush/datasets/<DATASET>/fields. Default fields:<ZONE_ID>/logpush/datasets/<DATASET>/fields/default.
  2. Sampling rate: Value can range from 0.001 to 1.0 (inclusive). sample=0.1 means return 10% (1 in 10) of all records.
  3. Timestamp format: The format in which timestamp fields will be returned. Value options: unixnano (default), unix, rfc3339.
  4. Optional redaction for CVE-2021-44228: This option will replace every occurrence of ${ with x{. To enable it, set CVE-2021-44228=true.

Note: The CVE-2021-44228 parameter can only be set through the API at this time. Updating your Logpush job through the UI will set this option to false.

To check if logpull_options are valid:

$ curl -s -XPOST<ZONE_ID>/logpush/validate/origin -d '{"logpull_options":"fields=RayID,ClientIP,EdgeStartTimestamp&timestamps=rfc3339&CVE-2021-44228=true","dataset": "http_requests"}' | jq .


"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"result": {
"valid": true,
"message": "",
"success": true


The following actions are recorded in Cloudflare Audit Logs: create, update, and delete job.