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Build an API for your front end using Cloudflare Workers


In this tutorial, you will build an API on Cloudflare Workers that can be used by your Pages application. Workers serve as a great companion to your front-end applications on Cloudflare Pages. In this tutorial, you will build a simple JSON API that returns blog posts that can be retrieved and rendered in a front-end application.

This tutorial contains two, separate applications: the backend, a serverless API deployed on Cloudflare Workers, and the front end, built with React and deployed using Cloudflare Pages.

If you are interested in a more comprehensive approach to building applications like this, you may benefit from moving from a serverless API for your content to a headless CMS — refer to the headless CMS tutorial to learn more.

Deploying a serverless API

Generating a new project

Begin by creating a new Cloudflare Workers project. If you have not used Cloudflare Workers, or installed Wrangler , the command-line tool for managing and publishing Workers projects, refer to the Get started guide in the Workers documentation. Once you have configured Wrangler and authenticated it with your Cloudflare account, return here to generate your API codebase.

You will use the Workers TypeScript template to generate our project. If you do not know TypeScript — you will not be writing any complicated types, and if you are using VS Code or another editor with TypeScript support, your code will be validated and checked by the editor as you build your application. Run wrangler generate in your terminal to create a new project using the template:

Creating a new Workers project with Wrangler
$ wrangler generate serverless-api

Adding a router

Your Workers application will serve as a backend API to return blog post data using JSON to our static application. This means that it should have two routes: /api/posts, which will return a list of blog posts, and /api/posts/:id, which will be used to retrieve a specific blog post based on ID.

While you can manually parse incoming URLs, it is much easier to use a routing library to consistently handle incoming requests. Install and use itty-router, an open-source routing library with support for Cloudflare Workers by running the following command in your terminal:

Installing itty-router
$ npm install itty-router

With itty-router installed, you can open up handler.ts and set up your router. Begin by importing the itty-router package and setting up a new instance of the Router class:

import { Router } from 'itty-router';
import Posts from './handlers/posts';
import Post from './handlers/post';
const router = Router();
.get('/api/posts', Posts)
.get('/api/posts/:id', Post)
.get('*', () => new Response('Not found', { status: 404 }));
export const handleRequest = request => router.handle(request);

The above routing configuration defines three routes: /api/posts, /api/posts/:id, and a wildcard route, which will be called if the incoming request does not match the first two routes.

Create two files, handlers/posts.ts and handlers/post.ts, which will contain the handler code for our two API routes.

Implementing API routes

In handlers/posts.ts, you will return an array of posts as a JSON array. If you have never worked with JSON APIs before, all you need to know is that a serverless API returning JSON needs to define a Content-type header, which should be set to application/json. Any JSON data coming back as part of the response body should be turned into a JSON string using JSON.stringify.

In the below sample, you will stub out the posts array, and later, you will come back and fill it in with real data:

const posts = [];
const Posts = () => {
const body = JSON.stringify(posts);
const headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json' };
return new Response(body, { headers });
export default Posts;

Posts is a simple function with no arguments that returns a JSON response. When an application makes a GET request to /api/posts, they will receive a JSON-encoded array back, which they can use to render a list of blog posts.

You will define something similar for handlers/post.ts, which returns a single blog post. Importantly, you will use the request argument that itty-router passes to handlers, using it to retrieve the :id parameter that we defined in handler.ts. Again, you will stub out the post data, but you can already begin to see in the below sample how to retrieve the :id param inside of a handler:

const post = {};
const Post = request => {
// This will be used soon to retrieve a post
const postId =;
const body = JSON.stringify(post);
const headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json' };
return new Response(body, { headers });
export default Post;

Defining a static data class

Until now, you have used empty stub data to return data in our API routes. To make this application meaningful, define a static data class, called PostsStore, to simulate how you might retrieve data from a database or other data source. In posts_store.ts:

const _posts = [
id: 1,
title: 'My first blog post',
text: 'Hello world! This is my first blog post on my new Cloudflare Workers + Pages blog.',
published_at: new Date('2020-10-23'),
id: 2,
title: 'Updating my blog',
text: "It's my second blog post! I'm still writing and publishing using Cloudflare Workers + Pages :)",
published_at: new Date('2020-10-26'),
export default class PostsStore {
async all() {
return _posts;
async find(id: number) {
return _posts.find(post => === id.toString());

You are still referring to static content, but by building a PostsStore class, you can abstract the retrieval of posts and easily imagine a future where this class talks to a database, key-value store, or however you prefer to store your data.

With PostsStore set up, you can import it and use it in our handlers:

import Store from '../posts_store';
const Posts = async () => {
const posts = new Store();
const body = JSON.stringify(await posts.all());
const headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json' };
return new Response(body, { headers });
export default Posts;
import Store from '../posts_store';
const Post = async request => {
const posts = new Store();
const postId =;
const body = JSON.stringify(await posts.find(postId));
const headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json' };
return new Response(body, { headers });
export default Post;

Adding CORS headers

Before you are ready to deploy, you will make one more change to our handlers, adding CORS headers to allow your front-end application to make requests to the API. In your handlers, you will update the headers variable accordingly:

import Store from '../posts_store';
const Posts = async () => {
const posts = new Store();
const body = JSON.stringify(await posts.all());
const headers = {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Content-type': 'application/json',
return new Response(body, { headers });
export default Posts;
import Store from '../posts_store';
const Post = async request => {
const posts = new Store();
const postId =;
const body = JSON.stringify(await posts.find(postId));
const headers = {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Content-type': 'application/json',
return new Response(body, { headers });
export default Post;

Publishing the API

With your API configured, you are ready to publish. Run wrangler publish in your terminal, and when you have successfully deployed your application, you should be able to make requests to your API to see data returned in the console:

"Testing the API"
$ curl
$ curl

Deploying a new React application to Pages

With your serverless API deployed, we can now build the front-end of our application with React. First, you will generate the application, and then you will define the functionality by adding routing, and rendering blog posts from the API. Once you are happy with the implementation locally, you will use Cloudflare Pages to deploy it in just a matter of minutes.

Generating a new React application

To start, create a new React app using create-react-app in your terminal, and then navigate into the directory and start a local development server:

"Creating a new React application"
$ npx create-react-app blog-frontend
$ cd blog-frontend
$ npm start

Start up the app locally, and clear out the contents of App.js:

function App() {
return (
<span>Hello world</span>
export default App;

Adding routing and consuming blog posts

Add @reach/router:

"Adding @reach/router"
$ yarn add @reach/router

Import it into App.js, and set up a new router with two routes:

import { Router } from '@reach/router';
import Posts from './components/posts';
import Post from './components/post';
function App() {
return (
<Posts path="/" />
<Post path="/posts/:id" />
export default App;

Create a new folder called components, and inside of it, create two files: posts.js, and post.js. These components will load the blog posts from our API, and render them. Begin with posts.js:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Link } from '@reach/router';
const Posts = () => {
const [posts, setPosts] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const getPosts = async () => {
const resp = await fetch('');
const postsResp = await resp.json();
}, []);
return (
{ => (
<div key={}>
<Link to={`/posts/${}`}>{post.title}</Link>
export default Posts;

Next, add the component for individual blog posts, in src/components/post.js:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Link } from '@reach/router';
const Post = ({ id }) => {
const [post, setPost] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
const getPost = async () => {
const resp = await fetch(`${id}`);
const postResp = await resp.json();
}, [id]);
if (!Object.keys(post).length) return <div />;
return (
<em>Published {new Date(post.published_at).toLocaleString()}</em>
<Link to="/">Go back</Link>
export default Post;

Publishing with Cloudflare Pages

Publishing your project with Cloudflare Pages is an easy, two-step process: first, push your project to GitHub, and then in the Cloudflare Pages dashboard, set up a new project based on that GitHub repository.

Pages will deploy a new version of your site each time you publish and will set up preview deployments whenever you open a new pull request.

To push your project to GitHub, create a new repository, and follow the instructions to push your local Git repository to GitHub.

Deploy your site to Pages by logging into the Cloudflare dashboard > Account Home > Pages and selecting Create a project. Select the new GitHub repository that you created and, in the Set up builds and deployments section, choose React – Pages will automatically apply the correct build settings for you.

When your site has been deployed, you will receive a unique URL to view it in production.

You have now deployed your own blog, powered by Cloudflare Workers and Cloudflare Pages.

Custom domains

Cloudflare Workers and Pages both provide first-class support for custom domains. This means that you can deploy your Pages application to a custom domain, as you would for any normal website, and also deploy your API (/api/posts and /api/posts/:id) “over” your Pages application, by specifying a route in your wrangler.toml file.

For example, given the example domain, you could set up your API application’s wrangler.toml with the following config:

workers_dev = false
route = "**"
zone_id = "$zoneId"

Now, when you run wrangler publish, your API will be published and served on, but only when you visit a route matching /api* – this means that your basic routes (/, /posts/:id, etc.) will be sent to your front-end Pages application, but any API routes will be intercepted and handled by your Workers application.


In this tutorial, you built a full blog application by combining a front end deployed with Cloudflare Pages, and a serverless API built with Cloudflare Workers. You can find the source code for both codebases on GitHub:

If you enjoyed this tutorial, refer to the headless CMS tutorial to learn how to build a blog using Nuxt.js and