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URL Redirect parameters

A URL Redirect has a source URL, a target URL, a status code, and some additional parameters that affect its URL matching behavior and runtime behavior.

The URL Redirect parameters are the following:

  • Source URL String

    *   API field name: `source_url`.
    *   The URL string that the incoming request URL must match for the redirect to be applied. This property is mandatory. The maximum length of the source URL is 32 KB.
    *   The value must be a valid URL, but the URL scheme is not required (for example, `https`); when the scheme is omitted, the redirect applies to both `http` and `https` URL schemes.
    *   The exact behavior of the [URL matching algorithm](/rules/bulk-redirects/how-it-works/#url-matching-algorithm), which matches an incoming request with the redirect’s source URL, depends on the values of the **Include subdomains** and **Subpath matching** parameters.
    *   For more information on the supported URL components, refer to [Supported URL components](/rules/bulk-redirects/reference/url-components/).
      <aside class="DocsMarkdown--aside" role="note" data-type="warning">
    To ensure good performance at the edge, you can only have up to 16 URL Redirects with the same source URL path across all Bulk Redirect Lists in your account, regardless of the URL Redirect domain.
  • Target URL String

    • API field name: target_url.
    • The URL where the client will be redirected to when there is a match for the URL Redirect. This property is mandatory. The maximum length of the target URL is 32 KB.
    • The value must be a valid URL. The final target URL depends on the values of the Preserve query string and Preserve path suffix parameters.
    • For more information on the supported URL components, refer to Supported URL components .
  • Subpath matching Boolean

    • API field name: subpath_matching.
    • If true, the current redirect will apply the subpath matching algorithm to the request URL when determining if there is a match for the current URL Redirect. The default value is false.
    • For example, a URL Redirect from /my-folder/ to /other-folder/ with Subpath matching enabled will also redirect a request from /my-folder/item to /other-folder/item. However, the redirect will only include the item part when Preserve path suffix is true. Refer to Preserve path suffix for details.
    • For more information, refer to Matching the source URL of redirects .
  • Include subdomains Boolean

    • API field name: include_subdomains.
    • If true, the source URL hostname will also apply to any subdomains — the redirect will match for all subdomains to the left of the domain portion of the source URL, as well as the specified domain. The default value is false.
    • For example, a redirect with source URL defined as will also apply to requests with source URL or
    • For more information, refer to Matching the source URL of redirects .
  • Preserve query string Boolean

    • API field name: preserve_query_string.
    • If true, the redirect URL will keep the query string of the original request. The default value is false.
    • For example, a URL Redirect from /my-folder/ to /other-folder/ with Preserve query string enabled will redirect a request from /my-folder/?name=value to /other-folder/?name=value. If Preserve query string is disabled, the request will be redirected from /my-folder/?name=value to /other-folder/.
  • Preserve path suffix Boolean

    • API field name: preserve_path_suffix.
    • Applicable only when Subpath matching is enabled. If true, defines that the redirect URL will include the remaining (non-matched) path elements of the source URL, if any. The default value is true.
    • For example, when both Subpath matching and Preserve path suffix are enabled, a URL Redirect from /my-folder/ to /another-folder/ will redirect an incoming request from /my-folder/foo to /another-folder/foo. If Preserve path suffix is disabled, the same request would still match the URL Redirect, but it would redirect from /my-folder/foo to /another-folder/.
  • Status code Integer

    • API field name: status_code.
    • The HTTP status code returned to the client when redirecting. The default value is 301.
    • The value must be one of the following: 301 (Moved permanently), 302 (Found, also known as Moved temporarily), 307 (Temporary redirect), or 308 (Permanent redirect).