Actions reference
The action of a rule tells Cloudflare how to handle matches for the rule expression .
Supported actions
The table below lists the actions available in the Rules language.
Some actions, like Block, will stop the evaluation of the remaining rules. The Skip action will skip the evaluation of some rules when there is a match, but the exact behavior will depend on the rule configuration.
The available actions depend on the phase where you are configuring the rule. Refer to each product’s documentation for details on the phase(s) supported by that product.
Action | Description | Stops rule evaluation? |
Legacy CAPTCHA API value: challenge | Useful for ensuring that the visitor accessing the site is human, not automated. The client that made the request must pass a CAPTCHA challenge. If successful, Cloudflare accepts the matched request; otherwise, it is blocked. | Yes |
JS Challenge API value: js_challenge | Useful for ensuring that bots and spam cannot access the requested resource; browsers, however, are free to satisfy the challenge automatically. The client that made the request must pass a Cloudflare JavaScript Challenge before proceeding. If successful, Cloudflare accepts the matched request; otherwise, it is blocked. | Yes |
Managed Challenge (Recommended) API value: managed_challenge | Helps reduce the lifetimes of human time spent solving CAPTCHAs across the Internet. Depending on the characteristics of a request, Cloudflare will perform the following actions:
| Yes |
Block API value: block | Matching requests are denied access to the site. | Yes |
Skip API value: skip | Allows user to dynamically skip one or more security features or products for a request. Depending on the rule configuration, matching requests will skip the evaluation of one or more security features or products:
The available skip options depend on the phase where you configure the rule. Refer to each product’s documentation for details. | No (but some rules may be skipped) |
Log API value: log | Records matching requests in the Cloudflare Logs. Only available on Enterprise plans. Recommended for validating rules before committing to a more severe action. | No |
Execute API value: execute | Executes the rules in the ruleset specified in the rule configuration. You can specify a Managed Ruleset or a custom ruleset to execute. In the Cloudflare dashboard, this action is not listed in action selection dropdowns. | No |
Rewrite API value: rewrite | Adjusts the URI path, query string, and/or HTTP headers of requests and responses, according to the rule configuration. Only available for{' '}
Transform Rules, in phases{' '}
In the Cloudflare dashboard, this action is not listed in action selection dropdowns. To use this action, create a Transform Rule. | No |
Redirect API value: redirect | Navigates the user from a source URL to a target URL, according to the rule configuration, by replying with an HTTP redirect. Only available for{' '}
Bulk Redirect Rules,
in the In the Cloudflare dashboard, this action is not listed in action selection dropdowns. To use this action, create a Bulk Redirect Rule. | Yes |