Fetching bulk analytics
Stream has a GraphQL analytics API that can be used to get bulk analytics for all videos in your account with one HTTP request.
Metrics available
- Number of views (number of times the video playback has been started)
- Time viewed in seconds
- Number of video buffering events
- Number of times quality level has changed
Filters available
There is no limit on number of filters per query.
- Video UID
- Date/time
- Country
- Device type
- Device operating system
- Device browser
- Quality level (only for quality level metric)
Example usage
Here is how you would get the view count and minutes viewed for the videos in your Stream account:
- Make a query to https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql
- Include your Cloudflare API token in the headers (see cURL example included on this page)
- It is important that you change the $ACCOUNT_ID with your account ID and the date range
- The body of the query should contain the following GraphQL Query:query {viewer {accounts(filter:{accountTag:"$ACCOUNT_ID"}) {videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups(filter: {date_geq: "2020-09-01"date_lt: "2020-09-25"}orderBy:[uid_ASC]limit: 1000) {countsum {timeViewedMinutes}dimensions{uid}}}}}
Here is the exact cURL request:
curl --request POST \--url https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql \--header 'content-type: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \--data '{"query":"query {\n viewer {\n accounts(filter:{\n accountTag:\"$ACCOUNT_ID\"\n\n }) {\n videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups(\n filter: {\n date_geq: \"2020-09-01\"\n date_lt: \"2020-09-25\"\n }\n orderBy:[uid_ASC]\n limit: 10000\n ) {\n count\n sum {\n timeViewedMinutes\n }\n dimensions{\n uid\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n"}'
The response will look something like below. Things to remember:
- Each object inside videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups represents one video
- uid property represents the video uid
- count property shows the view count for one video during the specified date range
- timeViewedMinutes property shows the minutes viewed per video during the specified date range
- If a video did not have views in the date range specified, it will NOT be included in the response{"data": {"viewer": {"accounts": [{"videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups": [{"count": 5,"dimensions": {"uid": "35f58cd097b40b1264124d9easbd62249"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 0,"dimensions": {"uid": "39a24fb20aa2617a483582f5ggb6b0d5e9"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 0,"dimensions": {"uid": "5646153f8dea17f44dss542a42e76cfd04"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 0,"dimensions": {"uid": "6cc90238ffd28e1861ba2aaf1030f6d4db"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 1}},{"count": 2,"dimensions": {"uid": "764254b444dss68c63702e8545536dfb422"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 1225}},{"count": 1,"dimensions": {"uid": "a8d47920ds8c6e8d1cgffc425e6c9120ef76"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 2,"dimensions": {"uid": "cc707cacc9bc86cb8fbab0021d749389"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 1}},{"count": 1,"dimensions": {"uid": "e81376fee97b3115dc1c3f82fb2be79e"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 0}},{"count": 241,"dimensions": {"uid": "fcfa5c97795ba90251cbbae1880a0e18"},"sum": {"timeViewedMinutes": 101}}]}]}},"errors": null}
GraphQL API supports seek pagination: using filters, you can specify the last video UID so the response only includes data for videos after the last video UID.
The query below will return data for 2 videos that follow video id 5646153f8dea17f44d542a42e76cfd
query { viewer { accounts(filter:{ accountTag:"6c04ee5623f70a112c8f488e4c7a2409"
}) { videoPlaybackEventsAdaptiveGroups( filter: { date_geq: "2020-09-01" date_lt: "2020-09-25" uid_gt:"5646153f8dea17f44d542a42e76cfd" } orderBy:[uid_ASC] limit: 2 ) { count sum { timeViewedMinutes } dimensions{ uid } } } }
Here are the steps to implementing pagination:
- Call the first query without uid_gt filter to get the first set of videos
- Grab the last video ID from the response from the first query
- Call next query by specifying uid_gt property and set it to the last video ID. This will return the next set of videos
- Only Cloudflare API keys, not API tokens can be used with the Stream GraphQL API for now
- Maximum query interval in a single query is 31 days
- Maximum data retention period is 90 days