Add exceptions with Page Rules
In step 3 , you configured zone settings that apply to all of In this tutorial, you will add an exception to these settings using Page Rules.
Specifically, you will increase the security level for a URL known to be expensive to render and cannot be cached:
. Additionally, you will add a redirect from the previous URL used to host this page.
1. Create a new branch and append the page rule
Create a new branch and append the configuration.
$ git checkout -b step6-pageruleSwitched to a new branch 'step6-pagerule'
resource "cloudflare_page_rule" "increase-security-on-expensive-page" { zone_id = var.zone_id priority = 1
actions = { security_level = "under_attack", }}
resource "cloudflare_page_rule" "redirect-to-new-db-page" { zone_id = var.zone_id priority = 2
actions = { forwarding_url { status_code = 301 } }}EOF
2. Preview and merge the changes
Preview the changes Terraform will make and then merge them into the master branch.
$ terraform planRefreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not bepersisted to local or remote state storage.
cloudflare_rate_limit.login-limit: Refreshing state... (ID: 8d518c5d6e63406a9466d83cb8675bb6)cloudflare_record.www-asia: Refreshing state... (ID: fda39d8c9bf909132e82a36bab992864)cloudflare_record.www: Refreshing state... (ID: c38d3103767284e7cd14d5dad3ab8669)cloudflare_zone_settings_override.example-com-settings: Refreshing state... (ID: e2e6491340be87a3726f91fc4148b126)cloudflare_load_balancer_monitor.get-root-https: Refreshing state... (ID: 4238142473fcd48e89ef1964be72e3e0)cloudflare_load_balancer_pool.www-servers: Refreshing state... (ID: 906d2a7521634783f4a96c062eeecc6d)cloudflare_load_balancer.www-lb: Refreshing state... (ID: cb94f53f150e5c1a65a07e43c5d4cac4)
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
+ cloudflare_page_rule.increase-security-on-expensive-page id: <computed> actions.#: "1" actions.0.always_use_https: "false" actions.0.disable_apps: "false" actions.0.disable_performance: "false" actions.0.disable_security: "false" actions.0.security_level: "under_attack" priority: "1" status: "active" target: "" zone: "" zone_id: <computed>
+ cloudflare_page_rule.redirect-to-new-db-page id: <computed> actions.#: "1" actions.0.always_use_https: "false" actions.0.disable_apps: "false" actions.0.disable_performance: "false" actions.0.disable_security: "false" actions.0.forwarding_url.#: "1" actions.0.forwarding_url.0.status_code: "301" actions.0.forwarding_url.0.url: "" priority: "2" status: "active" target: "" zone: "" zone_id: <computed>
Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Note: You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraformcan't guarantee that exactly these actions will be performed if"terraform apply" is subsequently run.
$ git commit -m "Step 6 - Add two Page Rules."[step6-pagerule d4fec16] Step 6 - Add two Page Rules. 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
Switched to branch 'master'
Updating 7a2ac34..d4fec16Fast-forward | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)
3. Apply and verify the changes
First, test request the (now missing) old location of the expensive-to-render page.
$ curl -vso /dev/null 2>&1 | grep "< HTTP\|Location"< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
As expected, the location cannot be found. Apply the Page Rules, including the redirect that should fix this error.
$ terraform apply --auto-approvecloudflare_record.www-asia: Refreshing state... (ID: fda39d8c9bf909132e82a36bab992864)cloudflare_load_balancer_monitor.get-root-https: Refreshing state... (ID: 4238142473fcd48e89ef1964be72e3e0)cloudflare_zone_settings_override.example-com-settings: Refreshing state... (ID: e2e6491340be87a3726f91fc4148b126)cloudflare_record.www: Refreshing state... (ID: c38d3103767284e7cd14d5dad3ab8669)cloudflare_rate_limit.login-limit: Refreshing state... (ID: 8d518c5d6e63406a9466d83cb8675bb6)cloudflare_load_balancer_pool.www-servers: Refreshing state... (ID: 906d2a7521634783f4a96c062eeecc6d)cloudflare_load_balancer.www-lb: Refreshing state... (ID: cb94f53f150e5c1a65a07e43c5d4cac4)cloudflare_page_rule.redirect-to-new-db-page: Creating... actions.#: "0" => "1" actions.0.always_use_https: "" => "false" actions.0.disable_apps: "" => "false" actions.0.disable_performance: "" => "false" actions.0.disable_security: "" => "false" actions.0.forwarding_url.#: "0" => "1" actions.0.forwarding_url.0.status_code: "" => "301" actions.0.forwarding_url.0.url: "" => "" priority: "" => "2" status: "" => "active" target: "" => "" zone: "" => "" zone_id: "" => "<computed>"cloudflare_page_rule.increase-security-on-expensive-page: Creating... actions.#: "0" => "1" actions.0.always_use_https: "" => "false" actions.0.disable_apps: "" => "false" actions.0.disable_performance: "" => "false" actions.0.disable_security: "" => "false" actions.0.security_level: "" => "under_attack" priority: "" => "1" status: "" => "active" target: "" => "" zone: "" => "" zone_id: "" => "<computed>"cloudflare_page_rule.redirect-to-new-db-page: Creation complete after 3s (ID: c5c40ff2dc12416b5fe4d0541980c591)cloudflare_page_rule.increase-security-on-expensive-page: Creation complete after 6s (ID: 1c13fdb84710c4cc8b11daf7ffcca449)
Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
With the Page Rules in place, try that call again along with the I’m Under Attack Mode test:
$ curl -vso /dev/null 2>&1 | grep "< HTTP\|Location"< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently< Location:
< HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
The call works as expected. In the first case, the Cloudflare edge responds with a 301
redirecting the browser to the new location. In the second case, the Cloudflare edge initially responds with a 503
which is consistent with the “I Am Under Attack” mode.