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Environment variables

In the Workers platform, environment variables, secrets, and KV namespaces are known as bindings. Regardless of type, bindings are always available as global variables within your Worker script.

Environmental variables with module workers

When deploying a Module Worker, any bindings will not be available as global runtime variables. Instead, they are passed to the handler as a parameter – refer to the FetchEvent documentation for further comparisons and examples .

Environment variables via wrangler

Adding environment variables via wrangler

Environment variables are defined via the [vars] configuration in your wrangler.toml file and are always plaintext values.

name = "my-worker-dev"
type = "javascript"
account_id = "<YOUR ACCOUNTID>"
workers_dev = true
# Define top-level environment variables
# under the `[vars]` block using
# the `key = "value"` format
API_TOKEN = "example_dev_token"
STRIPE_TOKEN = "pk_xyz1234_test"
# Override values for `--env production` usage
name = "my-worker-production"
API_TOKEN = "example_production_token"
STRIPE_TOKEN = "pk_xyz1234"

These environment variables can then be accessed within your Worker script as global variables. They will be plaintext strings.

// Worker code:
//=> (default) "example_dev_token"
//=> (env.production) "example_production_token"
//=> (default) "pk_xyz1234_test"
//=> (env.production) "pk_xyz1234"

Adding secrets via wrangler

Secrets are defined by running wrangler secret put <NAME> in your terminal, where <NAME> is the name of your binding. You may assign environment-specific secrets by re-running the command wrangler secret put <NAME> -e or wrangler secret put <NAME> --env. Keep a list of the secrets used in your code in your wrangler.toml file, like the example under [secrets]:

name = "my-worker-dev"
type = "javascript"
account_id = "<YOUR ACCOUNTID>"
workers_dev = true
# [secrets]

Adding KV namespaces via wrangler

KV namespaces are defined via the kv_namespaces configuration in your wrangler.toml and are always provided as KV runtime instances .

name = "my-worker-dev"
type = "javascript"
account_id = "<YOUR ACCOUNTID>"
workers_dev = true
binding = "Customers"
name = "my-worker-production"
binding = "Customers"

Environment variables via the dashboard

Adding environment variables via the dashboard

Add environment variables by logging into Cloudflare dashboard > Account Home > Workers and select your Workers script.

To add environment variables, such as vars and secret:

  1. Go to your Workers script > Settings > Add variable under Environment Variables.
  2. Input a Variable name and its value, which will be made available to your Worker.
  3. If your variable is a secret, select Encrypt to protect its value. This will prevent the value from being visible via wrangler and the dashboard.
  4. (Optional) To add multiple environment variables, select Add variable.
  5. Select Save to implement your changes.

env variables dash

Adding KV namespace bindings via the dashboard

To add KV namespace bindings:

  1. Go to your Workers script > Settings > Add binding under KV Namespace Bindings.
  2. Choose a Variable name. This will be the way the variable name will be referenced in your Worker script.
  3. Next, select a KV namespace from the dropdown.
  4. Select Add binding to add multiple bindings.
  5. When you are finished, select Save to implement your changes.

kv namespace bindings

Your completed Workers dashboard, with environment variables and KV namespace bindings added, will look like the following example reference.

env vars secret

Comparing secrets and environment variables

Secrets are environment variables. The difference is secret values are not visible within wrangler or dashboard interfaces after you define them. This means that sensitive data, including passwords or API tokens, should always be encrypted to prevent data leaks. To your Worker, there is no difference between an environment variable and a secret. The secret’s value is passed through as defined.